This has been a very good 6 months for AI
Factory with more opportunities than we can handle. Our
work is now pretty well entirely Android, but with one
significant branch into iOS. This issue's articles talk
about how we handled the challenge of colouring 600 puzzles
and also showing the company's early forays into MCTS.
We already have one conventional MCTS program in Dou Di
Zhu but here we experiment blending MCTS and Heuristics. |
Painting by Numbers:
Move it! and Sticky Blocks use a dynamic algorithmic system
for assigning puzzle colours. |
Article: Mixing MCTS with conventional static evaluation:
Experiments and shortcuts en-route to full UCT. |
The 3rd Party Engine resource: AI Factory
has many game engines, all with the same interface for
every platform. |
Custom AI for 3rd parties: With our background
in AI, we are involved in producing customised AI components
for 3rd party developers. |
Quality 3D products: We already have a range
of very high quality 3D products with realistic visual
effects. |
News round-up: General news about
company activities and new products. |
AI Factory home:
This links through to the main AI Factory website. From
there you can review our products and access our engineering
documentation. |