This issue returns to Shogi, with the second article being a report from the World Computer Shogi Championship in Japan, from May 2007. The first article provides a further insight into our Shogi program Shotest. This engine now features in 5 of our products, either already on the market or currently in production. As Shotest converges on the generic architecture developed for AI Factory's game engines, it can increasingly take advantage of our more advanced generic AI tools. Consequently we expect them to provide a substantial boost to coming developments in this engine. The Computer Shogi field has never been so competitive as it is now, and we will be competing!
Article: Negative Plausibility: Taking another different look at this core technique used to re-order moves in search trees.
Article: 17th CSA World Computer Shogi Championship 2007: Reijer's report on this main event in the Shogi calendar, including Spear and Shotest progress.
The 3rd Party Engine resource: AI Factory has many game engines, all with the same interface for every platform.
Custom AI for 3rd parties: With our background in AI, we are involved in producing customised AI components for 3rd party developers.
Quality 3D products: We already have a range of very high quality 3D products with realistic visual effects.
Quarterly round-up: General news about company activities and new products.
AI Factory home: This links through to the main AI Factory website. From there you can review our products and access our engineering documentation.
Future articles scheduled:
The impact of the AI Factory testbed architecture on game development.
Imperfect games: trying to find the best play when you do not have all the information.
Forgotten games: TAFL.
The universal game control mechanism: Finding a framework that fits all.
Playing badly: Trying to create AI that plays badly in a convincingly human way.
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