This edition is slightly late as our second article below required more work than expected. We are returning to something nearer normal now that Covid is no longer controlling our lives, so at last are re-engaging in the conference circuit. This has been less impactful for us than it might have been for most as we each work from home, so most things just ran as normal. However the re-insertion back into meeting people in the industry is a welcome change! We are doing very well, better than we might have hoped. We are very focussed now on maximising the quality of our existing line-up.
What's New!: Keeping you up-to-date on general news about company activities and new products.
Article: The Computer turns to Art: Extraordinary developments in computer capabilities
Article: Something will get that best score: Avoiding delusions in block testing: An emulation and review of testing
The 3rd Party Engine resource: AI Factory has many game engines, all with the same interface for every platform.
Custom AI for 3rd parties: With our background in AI, we are involved in producing customised AI components for 3rd party developers.
Quality 3D products: We already have a range of very high quality 3D products with realistic visual effects.
AI Factory home: This links through to the main AI Factory website. From there you can review our products and access our engineering documentation.
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